An unexpected post.
A fairly normal start to a big mileage day. Delayed so I could get to Bunnings to get firelighters, the onto Mango coffee. Then the drive started, and what a difference 5 weeks makes. When I drove up, there was a small trickle of caravans heading to Broome/Derby. Yesterday that had turned into a flood. Just really reinforced the value of doing your research on when to go on a trip.
As expected, the volume of traffic fell away when I turned onto the Marble Bar road, but there is one section of note. The road gets to Coongan Gorge just before Maqrble Bar. What a bit of road. Suddenly the flat, boring road is replaced by a lovely twisty road that rises and falls as you go through the gorge. It would be fantastic on a motorbike, but I don't envy the road trains that use it.
Entering Australia's hottest town, unaware of the joy to come... |
Drove through Marble Bar to refuel, then went back to the campsite, expecting it to be fairly quiet. How wrong I was. Caravans and tents everywhere, but I managed to tuck myself away in a corner, open the foxwing and roll out the swag. After a quick call to Jen, it was off to the Ironclad Hotel for dinner and a beer. Then things started to go wrong...
Just after dinner, there was a gurgle. So I decided to forego the entertainment at the hotel (Skimpies) and returned to the campsite. Lets just say the reason for the gurgling got worse overnight, so I decided it was probably best to stay here another day to try and get things calmed down a bit. It's now mid afternoon and it's just starting to get better, so hopefully I can continue tomorrow. Otherwise I could be here for a while as Kunawaritji servo is only open Saturday morning, and not at all on Sunday. I need to refuel here to get to Warburton, but won't make it in a morning. So it it's going to happen, it has to be tomorrow...
But now the stomach is calming a bit, it's given me some time to look around the campsite, and it's a pretty strange place. There are several caravans that look like they were parked up and left a
long time ago judging by the decay around them. There is a second ablutions block that is out of action and has a couple of old, rusting wrecks dumped in front of it. Oh, and there is no hot water in the showers, but boy, am I glad for a flushing toilet!
One other thing, if you want something to eat when you have diarrhoea, don't go for Weetbix and water. Truly disgusting. Boiled rice is tasty by comparison.