Saturday, 13 June 2015

Day 20: Home Valley to El Questro

A day of milestones

Firstly, and possibly most importantly, I had my first espresso based coffee for 3 weeks this morning before we left Home Valley. Then we crossed the Pentecost for the first time and at the location shown as the archetypal Kimberley river crossing.

The classic Pentecost River crossing

Very shortly afterwards we arrived at El Questro and it produced a mixed feelings from both of us. After Home Valley, which was over the top commercialised, we fear the worst for El Questro. But the fears were unfounded. Sure it's commercial, but it's not as brash as Home Valley. Having said that, the campsite appears to jam them I like sardines, but as we are in a private campsite, that doesn't affect us…

El Questro reception/shop/cafe/bar

Started the ELQ visit at Zebedee Springs as they close at 12 to Campers to make way for tour buses. Having seen how restricted for space it is there, I can see why. But it is fabulous. Warmth and waterfalls cascading into pools to lounge in.People would pay good money for that. Oh, we did… Some people there were saying how it was the best spot around. I wouldn't go that far, especially when you see what is arpund that only needs very little effort to get to. Anyway, then it was a short 4wd track to Moonshine Pool. Outstanding. As we approached I didn't have high hopes. Then we saw it was a sandy base clear of vegetation. One of the best swim holes for the trip so far

Joining the masses at Zebedee Springs

Moonshine Pool

Finally back to the campsite. And wow! Absolutely private and right by the creek. Downside is that there’s no toilet anywhere close by. What a shame. But it did allow us to scope out the drive up to saddle for sunset. Steep, single track and rough in places, but an awesome view from the top. Camp blurb said only for experienced drivers. Yeah, really...
View (roughly to SE) from Saddleback lookout

Nothing else for it but to build a small fire and kick back with a 6 hour pack of VB. Not classy, but appropriate for the setting.

Jen in vacant mode. Have beer, and a fire to stare at. Life's good.

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